With this indicator you can control whether certain materials are placed into or removed from stock in certain storage types with a higher priority. 这个标识可以让你控制当一个确定的物料在从一个确定的仓位存放或拿走时的优先级别。
No checking of expiry dates in incoming inspection or direct ship to stock. This type of racking is suitable for large quantity in short time or frequently loaded or picked material warehouse of transfer storage. 对来料时未有检查物料有效期,就直接进仓.适合周期性批量作业及存取物流频率高的原料仓库或转运仓库。
Replenish food according to the par stock in the storage cabinet. 依据库存补充厨房的食品。
Must balance the number of sold and bought stock, If there are stock in storage, please advise. 购货和销货数量要相对应,如有存货,请标明。
To add to existing stock, there must be sufficient remaining capacity in the storage bin. 使用现有库存附加,必须保证在BIN位有足够的剩余容量。
The edges that link knowledge nodes to storage medium nodes have weights, and each weight represents the value of the stock that the linked knowledge point is stored in the linked storage media. 知识节点与各存储媒介节点之间的边具有权重,用以表示组织知识点在各存储媒介中的存量。
1D cutting stock scheme with utilizing surplus in storage 考虑库存余材利用的杆材下料方案
Modern inventory management should not only supervise stock in the storage, but also the waste in the process of production that JIT believes. 现代库存管理不仅仅是对仓储物资的管理,JIT生产方式认为生产过程中的一切浪费都属于库存的范畴,应当消除一切浪费,追求零库存。
Research on Using of Capital from Stock Market about the Companies in Porting and Storage 港口仓储类上市公司募集资金投向研究
It is caused by the property change of feed stock in storage process and alkadiene polymerization. 造成这一问题的主要原因,是原料油性质在存储过程中发生变化、二烯烃发生聚合。
Through classifying the materials and spare parts reasonable, different stock controlling means and ordering management methods should be applied, achieving the lowest sum in order& storage cost all the year round as to raise the economic benefit and enterprise competitiveness. 通过对企业材料、备件的合理分类,采取不同的库存控制手段及订货批量的管理方式,使全年的订货费用和储存费用之和最小,以提高企业的经济效益和产品竞争力。
The ecosystem carbon stock changes have a significant impact on global climate changes, land use pattern change is one of the important factors affecting the changes in ecosystem carbon storage. 生态系统碳储量变化对于全球气候变化及生态系统服务功能有重大影响,生态系统碳储量变化受诸多因素影响,土地利用格局变化是影响生态系统碳储量变化的重要因素之一。